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2023-03-14   來源:萬能知識(shí)網(wǎng)




Today is the traditional festival "July 7th Chinese". Now many people called "China Valentine"s Day", shrewd businessmen more opportunity is the name of "China Valentine"s Day" slogan made promotion. Folklore expert said, "July 7th" will be known as the "Valentine"s Day" is a misreading of the festival, far less is called "Chinese festival of love" more appropriate some. July 7th in Chinese has 2000 years of history, also known as the "Festival" "daughter Festival", also called "double seven" "sweet day" "week" "Qiao Xi" "double seven" "blue night" "needle" and so on, festival is a festival Chinese traditional festivals in the most romantic, is the girl, women"s attention and love day. July 7th Qiqiao customs, originated in the Han Dynasty Chinese, later and the cowboy, Weaver Girl stories consistency. Now July 7th Festival is a folk legend of the Cowherd and the girl weaver as the carrier, to love as the theme, take the woman as the protagonist of the festival. Remember the other day in the finishing of Huai salt festival custom, which referred to the Dragon Boat Festival children Department of multicolored wool until June of the lunar calendar the sixth of this a day down and thrown into the home on the roof. Reportedly, the Magpies seen on the roof of the wool, will runs away, fly to the sky, until the seventh in July this day, to build a rainbow bridge in the Milky Way with these wool, for cowboy, Weaver magpie bridge. People"s imagination is really rich, through the tunnel of time and space, first with the cowherd fairies a peerless immeasurably vast difference of love, then is the huge resistance to separate their students. But the common people heart is always full of infinite hope, even in the face of the most complete darkness situation, so there will be a "July 7th" the Cowherd and the girl weaver reunion. The Double Seventh Festival also contains sing feelings stable family and significance of labor quality praise ingenuity. Childhood saw Huangmei play "the Cowherd and the girl weaver", in which the picture until now still linger in the mind. During the festival the harvest scene is still vivid in my mind. The harvest of fruits and vegetables, and the peaceful village near and the weaver even once bullied cowboy"s sister-in-law shame the rattle of a handshake, the scene is really touching. Vega and cowherd use industrious hands the day darn so sweet, when heard Vega with soft sweet voice sing contentment, young I although not all understand, but the hearts are from the branded with the peaceful picture, and become the hearts of the most beautiful dream. More of those big sisters teased me, Tanabata night to take me to hide in the frame under eavesdropping the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver said quietly, have little I always Baba and behind them. But unfortunately, I always whisper before they will enter the sweet dreams in the Cowherd and the Weaver said, when you wake up, petty sister always told you put in the heart, no one told me, so until now, I don"t know what that they overheard. Thus, the beautiful country, the mysterious night then condenses into a misty moving silhouettes of childhood. This was the Tanabata, when I was in the network, in the newspapers see everywhere of double seventh article, the feeling of my heart is joy. Because once upon a time, many traditional festival custom is changes with the times and gradually out of people"s vision, and many foreign foreign festival has come to. In 2006, "Tanabata" was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list, so more and more people, especially young people know and understand the cultural connotation of the festival. "Tanabata", she is not Valentine"s day, but should be the festival of love. In this love fast-food era, let this break through traditional Chinese virtues of love festival awaken that the pure and beautiful feeling!


今天是中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日“七夕”.現(xiàn)在不少人稱之為“中國情人節(jié)”,精明的商家更是趁機(jī)打著“中國情人節(jié)”的口號(hào)搞起了促銷.民俗專家表示,將“七夕”稱為“情人節(jié)”是對(duì)這個(gè)節(jié)日的誤讀,遠(yuǎn)不如叫“中國愛情節(jié)”來得更貼切些. 七夕在中國已有2000多年歷史,又稱“乞巧節(jié)”“女兒節(jié)”,還有叫“雙七”“香日”“星期”“巧夕”“雙七”“蘭夜”“穿針節(jié)“等等,是中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日中最具浪漫色彩的一個(gè)節(jié)日,也是姑娘、婦女們重視和喜愛的日子.七夕乞巧的習(xí)俗,起源于中國漢代,后來才和牛郎、織女的故事相合. 現(xiàn)在的七夕節(jié)是一個(gè)以牛郎織女的民間傳說為載體,以愛情為主題,以女人為主角的節(jié)日.記得前些日子在整理淮鹽節(jié)日習(xí)俗時(shí),其中提到端午節(jié)時(shí)孩子們系上的五彩絨線要等到農(nóng)歷六月初六這一天解下來并拋到自家房頂上.據(jù)說,喜鵲看見房頂上的絨線,就會(huì)叨走,飛到天上去,待到七月初七這一天,用這些絨線在銀河上建一座彩虹橋,供牛郎、織女鵲橋相會(huì).老百姓的想像力真是豐富,穿越了時(shí)空的隧道,先是一段天上人間的織女與牛郎的絕世情緣,然后是天大的阻力將他們生生的分開.可是老百姓的心卻總是充滿著無限的憧憬的,哪怕是面對(duì)最暗無天日的處境,于是就有了“七夕”牛郎織女的喜相逢. 七夕節(jié)還含有歌頌家庭中永久穩(wěn)固的感情和歌頌心靈手巧等勞動(dòng)品質(zhì)的意義.兒時(shí)看過黃梅劇《牛郎織女》,其中的畫面直到現(xiàn)在還縈繞在腦海中.那段喜慶豐收的場(chǎng)景仍歷歷在目.豐收的瓜果蔬菜、和美祥和的鄉(xiāng)鄰,甚至連曾經(jīng)欺負(fù)牛郎的兄嫂也羞嗒嗒的近前與織女一家握手言和,那場(chǎng)景真是溫馨動(dòng)人.織女與牛郎用勤勞的雙手把日子織補(bǔ)得那么的甜蜜,當(dāng)聽到織女用綿軟甜美的聲音唱出心中的滿足之情時(shí),少不更事的我雖然不能全聽懂,但心中卻從此烙上了那幅祥和的畫面,并成為心中最美麗的夢(mèng)想.更有那些大姐姐逗我說,七夕之夜要帶我躲在瓜架之下偷聽牛郎織女說悄悄話,害得小小的我總是巴巴的.跟在她們的身后.只是可惜,我總是在牛郎與織女說悄悄話之前便會(huì)進(jìn)入甜甜的夢(mèng)鄉(xiāng),醒來之時(shí),那些小氣的姐姐總會(huì)把聽來的話放在心頭,沒有一個(gè)人告訴我,于是直到現(xiàn)在,我都不知她們偷聽到了些什么.于是,那個(gè)美麗的鄉(xiāng)村、那個(gè)神秘的夜晚便凝結(jié)成了童年時(shí)代的一個(gè)帶著霧氣的動(dòng)人剪影. 今又七夕,當(dāng)我在網(wǎng)絡(luò),在報(bào)刊上隨處看到有關(guān)七夕的文章時(shí),心頭的感覺是喜悅的.因?yàn)樵鴰缀螘r(shí),許多傳統(tǒng)的節(jié)日習(xí)俗正隨著時(shí)代的變遷而逐漸退出人們的視野,而許多外來的洋節(jié)卻紛擁而至.2006年,“七夕”被列入第一批國家級(jí)非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)名錄,于是更多的人,尤其是青年人知道和了解了這個(gè)節(jié)日的文化內(nèi)涵. “七夕”,她不是情人節(jié),而應(yīng)該是愛情節(jié).在這個(gè)愛情快餐化的時(shí)代,讓這個(gè)折透著中國傳統(tǒng)美德的愛情節(jié)喚起人們心中那至純至美的情感吧!



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