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2023-08-12   來源:萬能知識(shí)網(wǎng)



81. 請(qǐng)閱讀下面短文,并按照要求用英語寫一篇150詞左右的文章。


In recent years, internet voting has becomeincreasing popular in China. People not only can use part-time votesthemselves, but also urge others to vote for competition like the “mostbeautiful reaches” and the “Cutest Baby”.

Li Ping, a high school student, is invited tovote in the “Best Police Officer” competition, organized by the local government to let the public have a betterunderstanding of police officers’ hardly work, Li Ping visits the website andreads all the stories. He is deeply moved by their glorious deeds. He isalready thinking of becoming a policeman himself in the future.

Su Hua is invited by his uncle to vote forhis cousin in the “Future Singer” competition. He has already received threesimilar invitations this week. His uncle tells him that if his cousin wins thecompetition, the family will win an overseas tour for free. Su Hua likes hiscousin very much, but he finds other singers perform even better. To vote, ornot to vote? This is a question that troubles him very much.


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2. 用約120個(gè)單詞闡述你對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)投票的`看法,并用2-3個(gè)理由或論據(jù)支撐你的理由。



2. 作文中不能出現(xiàn)真實(shí)姓名和學(xué)校名稱;

3. 不必寫標(biāo)題。



Possible version one:

On-line voting becomes increasingly popular, and manycompetitions get people involved in it. It is beneficial to some people, whileit puts others into a dilemma over whether to vote or not.

In my opinion, on-line voting is an inseparable partof modern life and should be welcomed, since it is no more than a way toparticipate in public life. It makes no difference from ordinary voting events,in which candidates go around to seek supports. In addition, the Internet makessurveying and voting easy and convenient, regardless of time and space.Furthermore, voting on the Internet makes instant feedback possible.

To be honest, voters sometimes feel annoyed, notbecause they hate voting, but because they are divided between emotion andfairness. Things will turn for the better if we can work out some participationrules for people to obey. Therefore, I hold a positive attitude towards on-linevoting.

(150 words)

Possible version two:

Internet voting is quite popular nowadays. Manypeople are somewhat puzzled at the negative side of the voting, although someare quite happy with it, and active in doing it.

In my opinion, internet voting has begun to show itsnegative impacts on people and society. Firstly, people may feel forced whenasked to do things that they don’ t want to. Secondly, voting of this kind doesnot depend on the strong points of the competitors, but rather on how manysocial-networking resources they have. Thirdly, the voters or even thecompetitors in many cases are possibly taken advantage of by the organizers forcommercial purposes.

In short, internet voting, to some extent, is unfair,if not immoral, and cannot be trusted. Therefore, rules should be worked outand strictly observed. Everyone in our society should help those in need, butit is more important to be sincere and earnest.

(150 words)





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