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2023-02-13   來源:萬能知識網(wǎng)



常用英語單詞 篇1

token 表示,標志,象征He did that as a ~ of good faith

torture 拷打,拷問 ~ a confession from a prisoner

accommodate 使適應,使符合一致 accommodate oneself to changed circumstances

unfold 展開,打開 ~ a newspaper

uniform 制服;不變的,相同的,均勻,統(tǒng)一的 a ~ temperature

unify 使成一體,統(tǒng)一 become a unified nation

更新,使現(xiàn)代化 ~a textbook

upgrade 提高,使升級,改善 ~ products and services

uphold 舉起,高舉 He upheld his clenched hand

upright 挺直的,垂直的 an ~ seat

adhere 黏附,附著 Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another.

adjacent 臨近的,毗鄰的(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs

adjoin 貼近,與...毗鄰 His house adjoins the lake.

thrust 推,刺,戳,插,擠He was ~ into power

tick (鐘聲等發(fā)出的)滴答聲

tilt 使傾斜,使傾倒 Tilt your head back so that I can look down your throat

toss 扔,拋,擲 The children tossed the ball to each other

tough 堅韌的,牢固的 Some plastic are as ~ as metal

tow 拖,拉,牽引 tow a damaged ship into port

abstract 抽象的 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.

absurd 荒謬的,荒唐的 The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd.

uproar 騷亂,騷動The public ~ over unclear-radiation hazards continues to mount

utilize 利用 ~ solar energy

utter 發(fā)出(聲音等),說,吐露 ~ the truth

vacant 未被占用的 a ~ seat in a bus

vague 含糊的,不明確的,模糊的 a ~ answer

slip 滑倒,滑落,滑行 She ~ed on the wet stones and fell

slit 切開,撕開 ~ the envelope open

slope 傾斜,有坡度 The ground ~s down sharply at this point

sly 狡猾的,偷偷的 a ~answer

smash 打碎,打破,摧毀 The ball ~ed the window

snatch 奪得,一把抓住 The thief ~ed her handbag and ran off

immune免除的,豁免的:Nobody is immune from criticism

impact 沖擊,撞擊:the impact of light on the eye

impair 削弱,減少:The output of produce was impaired by the bad weather

impartial 公正的,無偏見的:A judge should be impartial

implement 工具,器具,用具:new types of farm implements

sting刺,螫,叮 A bee stung him on the neck

stir 使微動,移動 A breeze ~red my hair

stitch 一針,針腳 Make your ~es closer together

sue 控告,起訴 ~ sb for slander

summary 總結(jié),概要 This book has a ~ at the end of each chapter

superb 極好的,一流的,杰出的 ~ science and engineering

superficial 表面的 a ~resemblance

superfluous過多的,剩余的,多余的a ~remark

supervise 監(jiān)督,管理,指導 ~ sb’s every move

vanish 突然消失,逐漸消散 With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit

veil 面紗,面罩 Jewish women wore ~s in token of reverence and submission

ventilate 使通風,使空氣流通 ~ a room

venture 冒險,冒險行動,投機行動take a ~ in oil

uncover 揭開,揭露 ~ a dish of food

underestimate 低估 ~ the difficulties of the task

reassure v.使安心,使放心;使消除疑慮

常用英語單詞 篇2

































常用英語單詞 篇3

advantageous contract 有利的合同

bargaining range 談判范圍

concede ground 讓步,屈服

bargaining strength 談判實力

concession trading 讓步貿(mào)易

bargaining 討價還價

conflicting interests利益沖突

conflicting objectives沖突的目標

behavioral norms 行為規(guī)范

core outcomes 核心結(jié)果

bottom line 談判底線

breakdown in negotiation 談判破裂

collective well - being 集體利益

difficult decisions 決策困難

negotiation sketch 談判簡圖

equitable agreement 公平合理的協(xié)議

negotiation skills 談判技巧

on the routine basis 在慣例的基礎上

expected benefits 期待的談判結(jié)果

one-off business 一錘子買賣

face-to-face negotiation 面對面談判

opening position 初步價位

factual information 實際信息

optimal timing 最佳時機

fail to reach any agreement 無法達成協(xié)議

optimize the interests使利益最優(yōu)化

pull tricks 耍花招

renounce a negotiation 放棄談判

favorable outcomes 利好結(jié)果

reservation price 保留價格

room for maneuver 周旋的余地

good joint outcome 互惠的共同結(jié)果

rough style 激烈的談判風格

information loophole 信息空缺

settle differences 解決分歧

sham position 虛假立場

signal firmness 表現(xiàn)出堅定立場

organizational structure 組織結(jié)構

organizationally ambitious 對組織工作有遠大抱負的

organization’s ends 組織目標

higher-up 上級

personal attractiveness 個人魅力

individual goal 個人目標

induce cooperation 促使合作

pressing deskwork 緊迫的案頭工作

informal influence 非正式影響

public speaking skills 演講技能

interactions 相互交流

relevance of the work 工作的實用性

interpersonal activities 交際活動

leader power 領導權力

常用英語單詞 篇4

sensible a. 明理的,明智的

sensitive a. 敏感的,靈敏的,易怒的

sensitivity n. 敏感性,靈敏度

sensor n. 傳感器,敏感元件

sentence n. 句子,宣判,判決;vt. 宣判,判決

sentiment n. 傷感,感情,情緒

separate vt. 使分開,區(qū)分,識別;vi. 分離,分居;a. 不同的,單獨的,各自的,分隔的`

september n. 九月

sequence n. 連續(xù),系列,次序,順序

serial a. 連續(xù)的,一系列的;n. 連載小說

series n. 系列,序列

serious a. 嚴重的,認真的,嚴肅的

servant n. 仆人,雇員

serve v. 服務,伺候,招待,適用,適合服役

service n. 服務,公共事業(yè),服役;vt. 維護,保養(yǎng)

sesame n. 芝麻

session n. 會期,一屆會議,(某種活動)一段時間

set vt. 放,置,校正,規(guī)定;vi.落下,固定,著手,從事;n. (一)套;a. 固定的,規(guī)定的

settle vt. 處理,解決,安置,定居,結(jié)算;vi. 定居,下沉,沉演,平靜,穩(wěn)定

settlement n. 解決,移民,定居,清償,結(jié)算

settler n. 移居者,開拓者

seven num. 七

seventeen num. 十七

seventy num. 七十

several a. 幾個,若干

severe a. 嚴重的,嚴厲的,激烈的,困難的

sew v. 縫紉

sex n. 性別,性

sexual a. 性的,兩性的,性別的

常用英語單詞 篇5

a (an) art. 一(個、件 …… )

ability n. 能力; 才能

able a. 能夠;有能力的

about ad. 大約;到處;四處

prep. 關于;在各處;四處

above prep. 在 …… 上面

a. 上面的

ad. 在 …… 之上

abroad ad. 到(在)國外

absent a. 缺席, 不在

accent n. 口音,音調(diào)

accept vt. 接受

accident n. 事故,意外的事

ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛

achieve vt. 達到,取得

across prep. 橫過,穿過

act n. 法令,條例 v. (戲)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戲);行動,做事

action n. 行動

active a. 積極的,主動的

activity n. 活動

add vt. 添加,增加

address n. 地址

advantage n. 優(yōu)點; 好處

advertisement n. 廣告

advice n. 忠告,勸告,建議

advise vt. 忠告,勸告,建議

afford vt. 負擔得起( …… 的費用);抽得出(時間);提供

afraid a. 害怕的;擔心

常用英語單詞 篇6

bear"s paw 熊掌

breast of deer 鹿脯

beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海參

sea sturgeon 海鱔

salted jelly fish 海蜇皮

seaweed 海帶

abalone 鮑魚

shark fin 魚翅

scallops 干貝

lobster 龍蝦

bird"s nest 燕窩

roast suckling pig 烤乳豬

pig"s knuckle 豬腳

boiled salted duck 鹽水鴨

preserved meat 臘肉

barbecued pork 叉燒

sausage 香腸

fried pork flakes 肉松

BAR-B-Q 烤肉

meat diet 葷菜

vegetables 素菜

meat broth 肉羹

local dish 地方菜

Cantonese cuisine 廣東菜

set meal 客飯

curry rice 咖喱飯

fried rice 炒飯

plain rice 白飯

crispy rice 鍋巴

gruel, soft rice, porridge 粥

noodles with gravy 打鹵面

plain noodle 陽春面

casserole 砂鍋

chafing dish, fire pot 火鍋

meat bun 肉包子

shao-mai 燒麥

preserved bean curd 腐乳

bean curd 豆腐

fermented blank bean 豆豉

pickled cucumbers 醬瓜

preserved egg 皮蛋

salted duck egg 咸鴨蛋

dried turnip 蘿卜干





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