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2023-01-14   來源:萬能知識(shí)網(wǎng)


task 1

Drug ___1___ officers in the United States said they have arrested more than 2,000 people in a lengthy investigation targeting Mexican trafficking rings. They said the ____2___also involving the FBI, the Mexican government and other American agencies has last almost two years and commentated on Wednesday with more than 400 arrests across 16 states. The Assistant Secretary and Director of Customs Enforcement at the Department of Homeland Security John Morton said the United States was serious about ____3___of drug crime.

"We face ___4____ along our border with Mexico. The drug cartels there are brethren, the ailing smugglers, the money launders, the gun traffickers all make a living ____5___US and Mexican law on a daily basis. It"s a violent business, it"s a corrupt business. It"s a business that demands our full attention. As you see here, it has our full attention."




joint operation

tackling the problem

a serious, sustain(ed) challenge


task 2

Culture generally refers to a set of learned knowledge, standards, values, beliefs, morals, laws, customs, habits, and behaviors, shared by individuals and societies that determines how an individual, acts, feels, and uses oneself and others. Often people of a culture __1__ use their personal cultural background, as a guide for judging the actions of other people. They think their way of doing things ___2___. In the business world, this habit often takes the form of expectations, that the other side will behave in the certain way in the given situation or that others will see a particular problem in the same way we do. These expectations and understandings of the world are quite different among different peoples. Such differences are called cultural differences. Since ___3___ is essentially a social activity among different peoples, it is very important to understand the different ___4___ of the people involved. This understanding should exist in almost every part of international business. Therefore, when your counter parts are motivated by a different set of rules, you have to ___5___ what is going on inside their heads. And you need to understand what motivate their decisions. The business man who well understands the cultural differences is usually the winner.



makes the most sense

international business


pay specific attention to

task 3

Read a newspaper or magazine, switch on the television, open your mail or simply answer your telephone, and you are ___1___ by advertising. Why is advertising so ___2___ ? Why does the business spend so much to promote its products or services? For one thing, ads inform the public about a product, if you don’t know a new tire exists, you won’t buy it. But the ___3___ side of advertising goes far beyond that. By giving facts about a product, the manufacturer tries to convince consumers of the product’s superiority over competitor’s goods. Advertising also ____4___ people’s desires for greater status and more variety. Advertisers think the expense is worthy it or they would have stopped long ago. How much do ads contribute to the prices you pay? On the average about three cents of every dollar goes for advertising, newspapers get the largest share of advertising ___5___ , about 30%; television draws about 20%, 14% goes to direct mail, 7% is for radio, and 5% for magazines, the rest goes for foreign publications, business papers, free samples, and bus and train posters. The figures mean that advertising pays for most of the TV programs, and it covers a major part of the cost of newspapers and magazines.





appeals to






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