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2023-04-08   來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

Wake up everyday stronger than yesterday, face your fear and wipe your tears. 每天醒來都要比前一天更強大,直視自己的畏懼,擦干自己的淚水。每日一記,下面由小編來給大家?guī)恚河⒄Z日記50詞。



Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents。 Mother prepared a tea party for me。 I invited all of them to e and take part in it。The tea party began at half past six。 There were cold drinks and refreshments。 We ate, talked and laughed。 We felt that we were the happest men in the world。 譯文:昨日是我生日,所以有幾位我的同班同學送我禮。母親給我準備一個茶會。我邀請他們都前來參加。茶會下午六點半開始。有冷飲和點心。我們又吃又談又笑。我們覺得是世界上最快樂的人。


I didn"t go anywhere today. I stayed at home doing my homework and helping my mother with housework. I realised it was not easy to do so much housework all by oneself. I should help mother more in the future.



I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful。 Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious! 譯文:這天我過得十分開心!早上,天氣十分好!于是我和家人一齊去登山,山上的空氣十分清新,山上的花草樹木都顯得格外美麗。晚上回到家,我與家人坐在一齊看電視,我們還一邊聊天一邊吃著水果,全家其樂融融!


I read an article today. It was about how people should try their best to save water. Water is very important for human being but some people are just wasting water. They don"t turn off the tap after they finish using it. We should do better to save water.



Today we have gone to the zoo, plays very happy in there us。 We saw the tiger lion elephant also has the peacock which I most like, in brief today is happiest day @ which I play。 譯文:這天我們?nèi)チ藙游飯@,在那里我們玩的很開心。我們見到了老虎、獅子、大象還有我最喜歡的孔雀,總之這天是我玩的最開心的一天。


Date:Mon. April 3 Weather:Sunny. The New Concept Essay will be held in 10 days.After the literary class, Mr.Lin called me.He said,"You Will enter the New Concept Essay Contest.You are a representative of our school."I was happy to hear that.I"ll do my best in the contest.

日期:4月3日。星期一 天氣:晴朗。新概念作文比賽將于10天后舉行。文學課后,林老師叫住了我。她說:“你將去參加新概念作文比賽,你是我們學校的代表?!蔽衣犃撕芨吲d。我會在比賽中發(fā)揮出自己的最好水平。


Home to the floor dirty, my mother did not e home, I decided to sweep the floor。 Say to work, I took a broom to clean, a dustbin full and take out the garbage。 Although the waist is sour, people also tired, sweating sweat dripping, can see the clean floor, my heart is sweet 譯文:家里的`地板臟了,媽媽又沒回家,我決定開始掃地。說干就干,我拿起掃把開始打掃,一看垃圾箱滿了又去倒垃圾。雖說腰也酸了,人也累了,滿頭的汗水直往下淌,可看見干凈的地板時,我的心里卻是甜甜的。


I went shopping with Li Mei. We left at 10 o"clock in the morning. When we got to the downtown, there were so many people. It was so crowded as it was a beautiful day and it was Sunday. I didn"t buy anything because everything was very expensive.



This morning, the sky is cloudless, spring。 My friends and I went to the park flying a kite, flying a kite in the park so many people, some is small swallow; some birds; there is I most like the phoenix。 The sky was a riot of colours, like a blossoming be riotous with colour clouds really beautiful ah! We play happy! 譯文:這天早上,天空萬里無云,春風拂面。我和朋友們一齊去公園放風爭,公園里放風爭的人可真多,有的是小燕子;有的是小鳥;還有的是我最喜歡的鳳凰。天空一片五彩繽紛,像一朵朵五顏六色的彩云真美麗啊!我們玩得可開心!


Today is New Year`s day 今天是新年的第一天.Today I`m not doing homework. I`m making dumplings. After that, we`re having lunch, my grangfather is saying to each other" Happy New Year", I`m saying to him" the same to you". We`re laughing. In the afternoon, I`m going shopping with my brother and sister. Two hours later, we`re getting home, we`re playing computer. Today is a happy day.



★ 小學英語日記50字帶翻譯優(yōu)秀范文

★ 小學英語日記帶翻譯【50詞】

★ 小學英語日記大全帶翻譯100詞7篇

★ 小學英語日記帶翻譯150詞7篇

★ 小學短篇英語日記帶翻譯100詞7篇

★ 英語日記大全100詞帶翻譯7篇

★ 小學英語日記帶翻譯100詞7篇

★ 小學生英語日記帶翻譯100詞7篇

★ 小學英語日記50詞左右

★ 小學英語日記集錦【7篇】





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