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2022-12-17   來(lái)源:萬(wàn)能知識(shí)網(wǎng)






It is because we donot want you to experience unnecessary embarrassment, that we are writing this letter to you.

As we have remindedyou, your account is past due and I am sorry toinform you that if you were to present your charge card at our store today, our sales personnel could not accept the charge without an okayfrom the credit department. This would necessitate your going to the creditdepartment to discuss the status of your bill before the charge would beapproved.

You have been too goodof a customer in the past to have to go through this procedure, but unless we receive your payment we have no other alternative, due to our company policy.

We have enclosed aself-addressed envelope for your convenience and are requesting



Your counter proposal on the abovereferenced project has been reviewed and is acceptable in its entirety.

We are enclosing an executed copy of theagreement along with two copies for your files.

We are enthusiastically looking forward tothis project and are pleased about having the opportunity to work together.



I have written to youseveral times over the past three months requesting an explanation on why youhave failed to bring your account with us current.

By ignoring theserequests, you are damaging theexcellent credit record you had previously maintained with our company. In addition, you are incurringadditional expense to yourself and to us.

Unless I hear from youwithin ten days, I will have no otherchoice but to turn your account over for collection. I am sorry that we musttake such drastic action but I am afraid you leave us no alternative. Youcan preserve your credit rating by remitting your check today for the amountstated above.



FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby guarantee absolutely and unconditionallyprompt payment of the within Note and agree to pay all cost of collection, legal expenses and attorneys" fees, incurred or paid by the holder of the within Note in the collectionand/or enforcement of said Note and the enforcement of this Guaranty.

No renewal orextension of said Note, no release orsurrender of any security for said Note or this Guaranty,no release of any person primarily or secondarily liable on saidNote (including any maker, endorser or guarantor),no delay inthe enforcement of payment of said Note or this Guaranty and no delay oromission in exercising any right or power under said Note on this Guarantyshall affect the liability of any of the undersinged hereunder. The undersignedexpressly waives presentment, protest,demand, notice of dishonor ordefault, notice of acceptanceof this Guaranty and notice of any kind with respect to said Note or this Guarantyor the performance of the obligation under said Note or Guaranty.



The postmark of thisletter is registered with our office. Unless you contact us at [telephone], you will run the riskof your local Sheriff serving you with a Summons and Complaint to appear inCourt without further notice to you.

Filing of suit willinitiate a series of events that will cause you considerable inconvenience andexpense. In addition to the above mentioned balance, you may be liable for court costs and interest.

In the event youshould fail to contact us immediately, we will assume that this debt is valid. Should you have anyreason to dispute the validity of the debt or any portion thereof, this office will obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copyof the Judgment and mail you a copy of same. This office will alsoprovide you with the name and address of the original creditor if differentfrom the current creditor.






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