????1?¢alter v. ??±?£????ˉ£?±??ü
????2?¢burst vi.,n. í?è?·¢éú£?±?á?
????3?¢dispose vi. 3yμ?£?′|??£??a??£?′|àí(of)
????4?¢blast n. ±??¨£???á÷ vi. ?¨£??¨μ?
????5?¢consume v. ??o?£?o???
????6?¢split v. ?ü?a£???á?£?·?á? a.á??aμ?
????7?¢spit v. í?£¨íùòoμè£?£?íù?ú
????8?¢spill v. ò?3?£??|3?£?μ13?
????9?¢slip v. ???ˉ£?????£?o???
????10?¢slide v. ???ˉ£????? n. ???ˉ£?4????£???μ???
????11?¢bacteria n. ???ú
????12?¢breed n. ??£??·?? v. ·±?3£?2ú×D
????13?¢budget n. ?¤?? v. ±à?¤??£?×÷°2??
????14?¢candidate n. oò??è?
????15?¢campus n. D£?°
????16?¢liberal a. ????μ?£?·á??μ?£?×?óéμ?
????17?¢transform v. ×a±?£?±???£?±???
????18?¢transmit v. ′?2¥£?2¥?í£?′?μY
????19?¢transplant v. ò??2
????20?¢transport vt. ??ê?£????í n. ??ê?£???ê?1¤??
????21?¢shift v. ×aò?£?×a?ˉ£?×a±?
????22?¢vary v. ±??ˉ£???±?£?ê1?à?ù?ˉ
????23?¢vanish vi. ???e£?2???
????24?¢swallow v. íì??£??ê?? n. ?à×ó
????25?¢suspicion n. ?3òé£?òéD?
????26?¢suspicious a. ?3òéμ?£??éòéμ?
????27?¢mild a. ???ˉμ?£??ˉoíμ?£???èáμ?£???μ-μ?
????28?¢tender a. ??èáμ?£?′àè?μ?
????29?¢nuisance n. ?eo|£?·áo|£?ì??ᣨμ?è??òê???£?
????30?¢insignificant a. ?Tòaò?μ?£??T×??á??μ?£??T???μμ?
????31?¢accelerate vt. ?ó?ù£?′ù??
????32?¢absolute a. ????μ?£??Tì??tμ?£?íêè?μ?
????33?¢boundary n. ·?????£?±???
????34?¢brake n. é23μ£????ˉ?÷ v. é2×?£¨3μ£?
????35?¢catalog n. ????£¨2á£? v. ±à??
????36?¢vague a. ?£oyμ?£?2??÷è·μ?
????37?¢vain n. í?àí£?°×·?
????38?¢extinct a. ???eμ?£??¨?eμ?`
????39?¢extraordinary a. 2???3£μ?£?ì?±eμ?£?·?·2μ?
????40?¢extreme a. ???èμ?£?????μ? n. ????£?1y·?
????41?¢agent n. ′úàíè?£?′úàíéì£??ˉòò£??-òò
????42?¢alcohol n. o?????μ?ò?á?£?????
????43?¢appeal n./vi. o?ó?£??ò?ó
????44?¢appreciate vt. ??êó£?éíê?£?Dàéí
????45?¢approve v. ?T3é£?í?òa£??ú×?
????46?¢stimulate vt. ′ì?¤£??¤à?
????47?¢acquire vt. è?μ?£???μ?£??§μ?
????48?¢accomplish vt .íê3é£?μ?′?£?êμDD
????49?¢network n. í?×′??£?1?2¥í?£?μ?êóí?£?í???
????50?¢tide n. 3±??£?3±á÷
????1?¢adopt a positive approach 2éè?ò????yè·μ?·?·¨
????2?¢wait for μè′y
????3?¢pass through ?-1y, í¨1y
????4?¢a sequence of ò??μáDμ?
????5?¢set apart from °?...??·??a
????6?¢take ... for granted ò?...?a??°á
????7?¢be aware of/that ×¢òaμ?
????8?¢all but ??o?;3yá?...??
????9?¢all of a sudden í?è?
????10?¢all over ±é?°
????11?¢all over again ?ùò?′?,??D?
????12?¢all the time ò??±,ê???
????13?¢all the same è?è?,???ùμ?
????14?¢as regards 1?óú,?áóú
????15?¢anything but ?ù±?2?
????16?¢as a matter of fact êμ?êé?
????17?¢apart from 3y...ía(óD/?T)
????18?¢as a rule í¨3£,??ày
????19?¢as a result(of) òò′?,óéóú
????20?¢as far as ...be concerned ?í...????
????21?¢translate into ·-ò?3é
????22?¢set in ?aê?
????23?¢intend to do ??òa×?
????24?¢looking forward to ?úí?
????25?¢be built from... ó?...è¥?¨?ì
????26?¢a wide variety of oü?àμ?
????27?¢at advanced levels ?ú????·??§?ú
????28?¢carry out íê3é£?êμê?
????29?¢according to ?ù?Y
????30?¢aim to do ??í?×??3ê?
????31?¢make sacrifices to do ×?3??téü??×?
????32?¢in depth é?è?μ?
????33?¢a series of ò??μáD,ò?á?′?
????34?¢above all ê×?è,óè??ê?
????35?¢after all ±??1,???1
????36?¢ahead of ?ú...???°
????37?¢ahead of time ìá?°
????38?¢all at once í?è?,í?ê±
????39?¢in the long run ′ó3¤??à′?′£?×?oó
????40?¢on offer ?ú3?ê??D
????41?¢choose from... ′ó...?Dì???
????42?¢be curious about... ??...?Dμ?o???
????43?¢confront with... ê1??áù, ê1????
????44?¢with interest óDD?è¤μ?
????45?¢an average of ... ???ùê?...
????46?¢at high altitudes ?úoü??μ?μ?·?
????47?¢draw one?ˉs attention ?üòy?3è?μ?×¢òa
????48?¢focus on ?ˉ?D
????49?¢in years to come ?ú?′à′μ????ê?ú