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2023-01-21   來源:萬能知識網(wǎng)


First Image-recognition Software

(1) Dartmouth researchers and their colleagues have created an artificial intelligence software that uses photos to locate documents on the Intemet with far greater accuracy than ever before.


(2) The new system, which was tested on photos and is now being applied to videos, shows for the first time that a machine learning algorithm (運算法則)for image recognition and retrieval is accurate and efficient enough to improve large-scale document searches online.The system uses pixel (像素) data in images and potentially video- rather than just text- to locate documents.It learns to recognize the pixels associated with a search phrase by studying the results from text-based image search engines. The knowledge gleaned (收集) from those results can then be applied to other photos without tags or captions (圖片說明), making for more accurate document search results.

(3) "Over the last 30 years," says Associate Professor Lorenzo Torresani, a co-author of the study, "the Web has evolved from a small collection of mostly text documents to a modem,massive, fast-growing multimedia data set, where nearly every page includes multiple pictures or videos. When a person looks at a Web page, he immediately gets the gist (主旨) of it by looking at the pictures in it. Yet, surprisingly, all existing popular search engines, such as Google or Bing, strip away the information contained in the photos and use exclusively the text of Web pages to perform the document retrieval. Our study is the first to show that modem machine vision systems are accurate and efficient enough to make effective use of the information contained in image pixels to improve document search."

(4) He researchers designed and tested a machine vision system-- a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed--that extracts semantic(語義的) information from the pixels of photos in Web pages. This information is used to enrich the description of the HTML page used by search engines for document retrieval. The researchers tested their approach using more than 600 search queries (查詢) on a database of 50 million Web pages. They selected the text-retrieval search engine with the best performance and modified it to make use of the additional semantic information extracted by their method from the pictures of the Web pages. They found that this produced a 30 percent improvement in precision over the original search engine purely based on text.


23. Paragraph 1__________

24. Paragraph 2 __________

25. Paragraph 3 __________

26. Paragraph 4 __________

A. Function of the new system

B. Improvement in document retrieval

C. Publication of the new discovery

D. Problems of the existing search engines

E. Popularity of the new system

F. Artificial intelligence software created


27. The new system does document retrieval by __________.

28. The new system is expected to improve precision in __________.

29. When performing document retrieval the existing search engines ignore __________.

30. The new system was found more effective in document search than the __________.

A. using photos

B. description of the HTML page

C. current popular search engines

D. document search

E. information in images

F. machine vision systems






27.A。題干:新系統(tǒng)通過__________進行文件檢索。利用出題順序與段落順序一致的原則,根據(jù)第一段可知,Dartmouth的研究者及其同事發(fā)明了一種人工智能軟件,該軟件使用圖片(use photo)來定位網(wǎng)絡文件,所以答案為A(使用圖片)。

28.D。題干:新系統(tǒng)有望在__________方面提升精確性。利用題干關鍵詞new system和improve precision可以定位到第二段第一句,可知新系統(tǒng)己在圖片上進行過檢測,現(xiàn)在正應用于視頻,第一次表明一種學習圖像辨識和檢索運算法則的機器能精確和有效地改進大規(guī)模的網(wǎng)絡文件搜索(document searches),故選D(文件搜索)。

29.E。題干:在進行文件檢索時,現(xiàn)存的搜索引擎忽視了__________。利用題干關鍵詞the existing search engines可以定位到第三段的第三旬,也就是yet引導的句子,可知現(xiàn)在流行的搜索引擎都跳過了包含在圖片中的信息而只能用網(wǎng)頁的文字進行文件檢索,由此可知這些搜索引擎忽視了利用圖片信息進行文件檢索,所答案為E(圖片中的信息)。

30.C。題干:新系統(tǒng)比__________在文件檢索方面更有效。利用題干關鍵詞new system和more effective可以定位到第三段的最后一句,可知與那些目前流行的搜索引擎如谷歌和必應相比,新系統(tǒng)有效使用包含在圖像像素中的信息來檢索文件,更加準確和有效。因此,該題答案選C(當前流行的搜索引擎)。



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