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2023-01-03   來(lái)源:萬(wàn)能知識(shí)網(wǎng)



英語(yǔ)專(zhuān)四作文 篇1

Campus politics has improved the quality of students’ life on campus and is playing an important role in college life. While we may advocate it because of the benefits,we cannot ignore its problems.

On the positive side ,college students will grow mature and develop their abilities from participation in campus politics. For one thing,by attending campus political activities,students will learn how to handle relationships with all sides in a more mature way,which will better prepare them for life after graduation. For another,they can develop their sense of responsibility as well as practical capabilities,especially management and coordination capacity,because the campus political activities provide students with a stage to show themselves and bring their abilities into full play.

On the negative side,campus politics might bring some problems. Too much participation in campus politics might influence study. Besides,some students’ being keen on campus politics is for fame and gain,which is harmful to the healthy development of mentality . Therefore,schools and teachers should give necessary instructions to students on their participation in campus politics.

All in all,we cannot deny the benets campus politics brings to college students,but we should also be aware of the potential danger it may hold for them as well. With necessary guidance,campus politics can be a good stage for students to grow.

英語(yǔ)專(zhuān)四作文 篇2

According to the investigation,Chinese students rely much more on their parents for financial support than their American counterparts . As far as I’m concerned,there are many reasons behind the gap and it will change in the future.

In my opinion,the main reason lies in the sense of independence. American students are taught to be independent when they are very young. For example,they will have to earn their own pocket money by helping with the house chores or doing part-time jobs since their childhood. On the contrary,Chinese students are taken such good are of that it is very difficult for them to live on eir own. In other words,American parents treat their children in college as responsible adults while Chinese parents will take it for granted that they should help their children in all ways as long as the children need it. As a result,Chinese American peers do. What’s more,Chinese students have fewer opportunities to find part-time jobs.

However,the gap will narrow gradually in the future. Nowadays more and more Chinese students are seeking part-time jobs as they’re eager to acquire some social skills and earn some money,which will help them to do more in school and to live independently. As to the American students,I think the sources of American students’ income will remain the same.

英語(yǔ)專(zhuān)四作文 篇3

There are reports about businessmen,tars,celebrities who are undereducated and even did not graduate from high school. Therefore,some college students doubt about the value of college life. As far as I’m concerned,I’d say college life is the most valuable in the following aspects .

Time spent at a university is the most worthwhile period in a young person’s life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy and provide him or her with access to valuable information,adding to his or her knowledge base.

Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events,contests,and other social gatherings,enabling the students to experience relief from study and homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through various experiences during university life.

During the time a student spends at university,he not only develops his intellectual11 abilities,but also develops social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance intense study and recreation ,a student will be well prepared for the challenges of future responsibilities.

Therefore,it’s only too natural to draw the conclusion that university life,if enjoyed fully and made best use of,is very rewarding in various ways.

英語(yǔ)專(zhuān)四作文 篇4

The last several decades have seen a decline in parental influence on their children. In fact,it seems that the more children watch movies and television and get influenced by people outside the home,the more their parents lose control over them. Nowadays,children and teens are often searching for role models other than their parents to imitate.

They naturally look to celebrities like singers,movie stars,and athletes to be their guides. For example,many high school students like to dress in the latest fashions that have been made popular by various celebrities. They even cut their hair like famous people or say the same things as them. Parents simply cannot complete with these stars when it comes to influencing their children.

Many television shows,movies,and video games have high levels of violent content and bad language,which greatly influence young people watching them. Children have begun acting badly based upon what they have seen on various media.

英語(yǔ)專(zhuān)四作文 篇5

My younger cousin got in trouble at school for kicking some other students. When asked why he did it,he responded that he had been imitating his favorite cartoon character. He had seen this behavior and decided to act similarly. His parents had enormous difficulties getting him to stop.

This showed me that TV shows can be more influential than parents. Finally,young people often feel like they have nothing in common with their parents,so their parents influence in their live decreases. Young people think their parents do. For example,many parents are not as proficient as their children are at using modern technology. They might not even know how to surf the Internet or use an MP3 player. This gap in knowledge makes it very hard for them to find common ground with their parents. In conclusion,modern media and the world of technology have much stronger influences on young people than their parents do.

As young people get more absorbed in television,movies celebrities,and their friends,parents should expect to continue losing more control over their children.Many believe that outside influences have stronger effects on young people than their parents do. This,however,is a mistaken belief.



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