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2022-12-15   來源:萬能知識網(wǎng)


每年考雅思的人很多,為了讓考生在考試中脫穎而出,下面是小編yjbys為大家準(zhǔn)備的關(guān)于雅思聽力考試特別訓(xùn)練,歡迎學(xué)習(xí)參考!  SECTION 1 Questions 1-10  Question 1-5  Compete the form below  White only ONE WORD or NUMBER, or TICK (√ ) for each answer.  Housing officer name  John  Family name  Cartier  Given name  Susan Marie  Nationality  (1)_________________  Student number  (2)_________________  Contact number  (3)_________________  Mobile phone  None  Shared Accommodation  (4) Yes ( ) No ( )  Maximum rent  (5)________ pounds per month  個人信息表格注意事項(xiàng)  1,信息修正(聽寫)標(biāo)記:否定/轉(zhuǎn)折/改  2,速度陷阱:速度練習(xí)/預(yù)測  Question 6-10  Complete the sentences with no more than THREE WORDS.  6. A bedsitter is a single room with __________ facilities.  7. Susan has to pay _________ , electricity and water by herself.  8. Most landlords want _________ in advance.  9. Susan must read the contract carefully, especially _______.  10. Susan is going to meet her friends _________.  答案:  1. Canadian  2. CA04628  3. 65349087  4. No  5. 500  6. cooking  7. the gas  8. three months’  9. the small print  10. in the cafeteria  SECTION 3 Questions 21-30  Question 21  Answer the question with no more than THREE WORDS.  When will their academic supervisor return? ________________  推理題  1,選擇題的`形式,原文沒有答案  2,題干中有: MAYBE, BECAUSE, FEEL, EXPECT或其同義詞  3,目標(biāo)信息: IDENTITY,RELATIONSHIP,LOCATION  4,若無時間,最后推  Question 22 - 25  Circle the correct letters A ---- D.  22. Mary’s parents probably wanted her to be a __________.  A. teacher B. secretary C. engineer D. writer  23. What do Jack’s parents’ blame for their students’ poor English?  A. computers B. games C. computer games D. their parents  24. How many of Jack’s parents’ student read novels?  A. None B. Very few C. Few D. Many  25. Will Jack and Mary take the Latin course?  A. Maybe B. No C. Yes D. Can’t tell  選擇題  1,掃描題干劃出核心詞  2,聽時綜合掃描選項(xiàng)  3,聽時注意 所聽即所得(核心詞) 順序原則(最后一個對) 生詞原則(不認(rèn)識=錯)4,檢查時注意  同義相斥(相似=錯)  相關(guān)/反選項(xiàng)(相關(guān)的一個對)  常識原則(感覺對或錯)  Question 26  What does Mary say are useful for a journalist (use no more than TWO WORDS)? ________________  Question 27 - 29  Complete Jack and Mary’s course timetable
9-12 amFrench 100History of EnglishQ28 _______
2-5 pmQ27 _______French 100,Language LabQ29______
Question 30  Name one sport that Jack practices. _____________________________________  答案:  21. Thursday 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. B  26. foreign languages  27. American literature  28. Creative writing  29. Sociology, language Lab  30. swimming  SECTION 4 Question 31-40  Questions 31  Circle ONE letter A - C.  The lecture hall is ____________.  (A) Half full. (B) Nearly full. (C) Full. (D) Overpacked  What is the name of the course? ___________  Question 32 - 33  Complete the sentences with no more than THREE WORDS.  32. John Robertson believe everybody wants to take the course because ___________.  33. “Everything is connected to everything else.” And the statement _______ of the course.  Questions 34  Circle ONE letter A - C.  The contents of the course are _______.  (A) Focused on one topic (B) Diverse (C) Very specialized



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