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2023-01-23   來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)



1. 用作副詞,注意以下用法:


(1) 表示讓步,意為“無論如何”“不管怎樣”,用來修飾形容詞或副詞,其詞序為:however+形容詞或副詞+主語+謂語。這樣用的however其實具有連詞的功能,用以引導(dǎo)一個讓步狀語從句。如:

However much he eats, he never gets fat. 不管他吃多少,他永遠(yuǎn)吃不胖。

However cold it is, he always goes swimming. 不管天有多冷,他都去游泳。

However far it is, I intend to drive there tonight. 不管有多遠(yuǎn),我今晚也要開車到那兒去。

這樣用的 however 與 no matter how 大致同義。如:

No matter how much he eats, he never gets fat.

No matter how cold it is, he always goes swimming.

No matter how far it is, I intend to drive there tonight.


Don’t laugh, however funny it may be. 無論多么有趣也不要笑。

I’ll try to finish it in time, however hard it may be. 無論多么難,我也要按時完成。


I refuse, however favourable the conditions. 不管條件如何有利,我都不干。(conditions后省去了are)

I’d rather have a room of my own, however small (it is), than share a room. 無論房間多么小,我寧愿一個人住一間,而不愿意與別人合住一個房間。

A grammar rule, however true (it is), is useless unless it can be understood. 一條語法規(guī)則,不管如何正確,除非能懂,否則毫無用處。

(2) 表示轉(zhuǎn)折,尤其用于談及一個既成事實時,表示轉(zhuǎn)折,其意為“可是”“仍然”等??煞旁诰涫住⒕渲谢蚓淠?,通常用逗號與句子其他成分隔開。如:

My father, however, did not agree. 但是,我父親不同意(www.yygrammar.com)。

My room is small; however, it’s comfortable. 我的房間很小,但卻很舒服。

He said that it was so; he was mistaken, however. 他說情況如此,可是他錯了。

注意,however不能像 but(但是)那樣直接連接兩個句子(注意正句中的標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號)。如:


誤:We all tried our best, however we lost the game.

正:We all tried our best, but we lost the game.

正:We all tried our best; however, we lost the game.

正:We all tried our best. However, we lost the game.

(3) 表示驚奇或強(qiáng)調(diào),相當(dāng)于how ever的用法,其意為“究竟怎樣,到底以什么方式”。如:

However did you get here without a car? 沒有汽車你究竟是怎樣來的呢?

However does he manage to write music when he is so deaf? 他聾成這個樣子,究竟是怎樣從事作曲的呢?

2. 用作連詞,引導(dǎo)方式狀語從句,表示“無論以何種方式”“不管怎樣”。如:

However it may be, I shall take your word. 無論如何,我將會相信你的話。

The painting looks wrong however you look at it. 這張畫不論怎么看都顯得不對勁。

However you travel, it’ll take you at least two days. 無論你怎么個走法,至少要兩天時間。


adv. 不管到什么程度;無論如何;然而;可是

conj. 不管怎樣;


1. The mechanics of the job, however, have changed little since then.


2. The deal with Chelsea may not, however, be dead.


3. What is missing, however, is an internal, artistic cohesion.


4. However, many customers found the smell of this product distinctly off-putting.


5. When angry or excited, however, he could be wild, profane, and terrifying.


6. His testimony, however, was only one in a salvo of new attacks.




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