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2023-03-28   來源:萬能知識(shí)網(wǎng)


1. hand in 交出;提出

2. hand out 分發(fā);分配


3. hands are full 很忙

4. hands are tied 權(quán)利有限,不能隨意行動(dòng)

5. hang around 常常光顧一個(gè)地方

6. Hang it all! 豈有此理

7. hang on to it 繼續(xù)下去

8. hang on to sth 繼續(xù)使用某物

9. hang up 掛斷電話

10. happy go lucky 樂天派

11. hard nut to crack 難以對(duì)付的女人

12. hard of hearing 稍聾的人

13. hard on sb, be 對(duì)某人嚴(yán)厲

14. hard to say 很難說

15. Hard to tell. 很難說.

16. hard up 拮據(jù)

17. hard-boiled egg 難相處的人;利害的家伙

18. hard-hearted businessman 斤斤計(jì)較的人

19. have a ball 玩得非常開心

20. have a big mouth 話多的人

21. have a bite 咬一口

22. have a bone to pick with sb 算帳

23. have a good ear(eye) for 對(duì)...有鑒賞力

24. Have a good time. 好好玩.

25. Have a good time. 好好玩吧.

26. have a head on one"s shoulders 有智慧

27. have a heart 可憐我吧

28. Have a nice trip. 一路順風(fēng)

29. have a screw loose 精神有問題

30. Have a seat. 請(qǐng)坐.

31. have a surprise for sb 告訴某人一個(gè)好消息

32. have a swelled head 自大

33. Have fun. 玩得開心.

34. have good taste 有眼光

35. have had it 無法忍受

36. have it both ways 權(quán)衡兩方面

37. have it out with 攤牌

38. have no leg to stand on 無法證明

39. have one"s hair set 做頭發(fā)

40. have one"s own way 隨心所欲



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