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2023-02-06   來源:萬能知識網(wǎng)











23、has phoned




27:school things


28、Some old people need a______because they feel lonely.

A.Gift B.Stick C.Pet D.watch



29、Last night, the shop was closed________she didn’t buy any chocolate.

A.so B.if C.or D.when



30、The water ______dark and dirty.It’s no longer sage to drink.

A.Became B.has become C.will becomeD.was becoming



31、I didn’t do very well in the exam.Unluckily,he did it______.

A.Worse B.Badly C.Better D.worst



32、——May I speak to Mrs.Black?

——Sorry,mom can’tcome to the phone now.She________a shower.

Has B.had C.is having D.washaving



33、You______ take me to thestation.My brother’s taking me.

A.Can’t B.mustn’t C.Shouldn’t D.don’t have to



34、He won in the story competitionand his parent were very ______.

A.Smart B.Proud C.Sorry D.upset



35、I plan to build an unusualhouse.It ______ out of old things.

A.Is built B.has built C.was builtD.will be built


【解析】句子的意思是我計劃建一座與眾不同的房子。 建造的時候會推陳出新。本題主要考查時態(tài)和被動語態(tài)。



Things like Hula hoops(呼啦圈)used to be very popular.Did you ever own any of these?If you didn’t,don’t feel too bad.They were all fads.A fad is something thatbecomes very 36 among a largenumber of people,but only for a short time.37 can become a fad very quickly,but can stop beingpopular just as quickly.38it is no longer “cool”,a fad goes away.Anything can become a(an)39—fashion,food,music,technology,even language.

In the late 1970s,Erno Rubik,a professorwas looking for a 40 way toteach his students about 3D objects.He41 a six-color plastic object that would be called the Rubik’s Cube(魔方).The goal was to get each side of the cube a 42 color.It was very challenging.It took a few years forthe toy to become popular,but then 43,in 1982,it seemed everyone had one.People bought over a hundred million ofthe 44.There were 50 booksavailable that year offering solution(解決辦法).Then,justas suddenly as the crazy(風尚)started,it 45.By 1983,people were notinterested in the Rubik’s Cube anymore,perhaps because so many people 46 had one in their home.

In 2012,A South Korean musician named Psyreleased a song called “Gangnam(江南)Style.” The music video shows Psy pretending(假裝)tohorse—ride while he is dancing.In six months,itbecame the first YouTube(視頻網(wǎng)站)video ever to reach abillion views(觀看).Six months after that,47 went to reach two billionviews.The song and video started a worldwide 48 craze.“Gangnam Style “had a huge influence on worldpopular culture.U.S.President Barack Obama and U.K.Prime Minister DavidCameron even 49 the dance.“Gangnam Style” became less and less popular,50 the “Korean Wave” of culture remains popular all over theworld.

36、A.useful B.Popular C.ValuableD.relaxing



37、A.Both B.Someone C.SomethingD.None



38、A.Although B.Whether C.Before D.When



39、A.invention B.Fad C.Goal D.dream



40、A.creative B.Difficult C.TraditionalD.common


【解析】我們依舊使用把選項帶入句子里來判斷是否正確,困難的方法、傳統(tǒng)的解決方式和一般的解決方法均不符合句意,只有不同尋常的方式和后面的3D objects能對應起來,故 選A。

41、A.found B.bought C.inventedD.borrowed


【解析】從句意可以判斷Rubik’s Cube這個東西是他發(fā)明的,所以選C。

42、A.strange B.Dark C.Bright D.different



43、A.suddenly B.Slowly C.ExactlyD.seriously



44、A.videos B.Toys C.Clothes D.books


【解析】通過前面“It took a few years for the toy tobecome popular”可以判斷這里人們購買的東西是玩具。故答案選B。

45、A.spread B.appeared C.endedD.failed



46、A.already B.Hardly C.EspeciallyD.only



47、A.he B.They C.We D.it



48、A.food B.Dance C.Language D.sport



49、A.depended on B.tried out C.gave up D.put off



50、A.then B.and C.but D.so




real noisy clean after work be area traffic also live.

Many people have cars in the city.Butpollution is a problem because of the 51.Nowadays some downtown(市中心)areas around the world don’thave cars.These car free zones(無車區(qū))are 52 for people,bicycles,andpublic transportation only.

Eight million people 53 in the center of London and another two million people goto work there every day.The downtown area is very 54 with hundreds of cars,buses,and taxis,but there are 55 a lot of beautiful parks withfree music concerts.At lunchtime,many people go there for a rest 56 they get off work.

Parts of Tokyo are always crowed withhundreds of people — but no cars! These modern car — free zones are 57popular and people like shopping there.

In the past,Bogota was polluted becausethere 58 lots of cars andtraffic.Now the downtown area is car — free zone andthe air is 59 .Many peopledon’t have a car and half a million people take the bus 60.There are lots of stores.It’s not expensive.


52【答案】areas;【解析】這里的areas來代指前文中的“these car free zones”

53【答案】live;【解析】句子的意思是有八百萬的人生活在倫敦市中心,解答這道題需要掌握“l(fā)ive in”這個短語的意思。





58【答案】were;【解析】There Be句型和時態(tài)的考查,從前半句可以判斷這里要用到過去時。


60【答案】to work;【解析】根據(jù)句子意思許多人沒有車還有50萬人乘坐公交可以判斷,這里使用work最合適,動詞使用的是take,take something to do something使用什么干什么。所以這里使用”to work“。




61.How much should we pay for the firstskurfing lesson?

A.$15 B.$30 C.$45 D.$60



62.Where can we learn music according tothe ads above?

A.At Long Beach B.At Skurfing Lessons

C.At Art Attack Gallery D.At StateTheatre Performing Arts Camp


【解析】通過“The State Theatre offers performingarts classes including:music,dance,drama.”句話即可判斷答案是D。

63.When does the State Theatre offerperforming arts classes?

A.4th —13th July B.4th — 23rdAugust

C.24th July — 2nd August.D.14th July — 23rd August




Carlton Joseph is a fashion designer(服裝設計師),but not just any fashion designer.He appears on TV,he writesbooks,and he owns his own fashion house.

Born in1980,Carlton started deigningclothes when he was 11.His father owned a clothes store,and Carlton used towork there at the weekend.Then he did a design course at college.

When he was 21,someone suggested doing a TVprogram.He made his first show “Carlton’s Clothes” in 2004,and he wrote hisfirst book in the same year.Since then he has written four more.Carlton gotmarried to TV producer Susan Mills in 2005.

Three months ago,Carlton started his newcompany.He called it “Deign:Carlton”.

At work Carlton always wears black trousersand a black coat,but at home,or when he goes out,he wears clothes withbright colors (red,blue and yellow).“I like to look different every day,” hesays.

Carlton started wearing glasses when he was12.He dyed(給…染色)his hair red when he was 18.It isstill red,and this year,for the first time,he has grown a beard.“My wifelikes it,that’s why” is hisexplanation.But his beard is black!

64.How old was Carlton when he wrote hisfirst book?

A.11 B.21 C.24 D.25



65.What does the underlined word “it”refer to?

A.Carlton’s hair B.Carlton’s beard

C.Carlton’s coat D.Carlton’s company



66.What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?

A.Carlton likes to look different

B.Carlton is a hardworking person

C.Carlton is crazy about new glasses

D.Carlton loves wearing colorful clothes


【解析】通過文中Carlton上班的時候穿黑褲子藍外套,在家或者出去的時候喜歡穿亮顏色的衣服以及Carlton說的話“l(fā)ike to look different every day”可以判斷出這一段主要是講Carlton喜歡不一樣的生活方式。

67.Which of the following is trueaccording to the passage?

A.Carlton is just a common fashiondesigner.

B.Carlton started his new fashion companyin 2005.

C.Carlton made his first show after he gotmarried to Susan.

D.Carlton got some design experiencebefore going to college.


【解析】通過文章開頭“but not just any fashiondesigner”可以判斷A錯誤;通過文中他2005年結(jié)婚,而開公司是三個月之前,由于文中沒有給出他結(jié)婚的具體日期,所以這里無法判斷他開公司是在2004年還是2005年,所以排除B;通過文中他的第一場秀是在2004年,而結(jié)婚是2005年,所以是之后,因此排除C;正確答案是D,通過第二段他11歲就開始設計服裝,可以看出他在上大學之前已經(jīng)有了一些設計服裝方面的經(jīng)驗,所以D正確。


Have you ever wanted to see the Great Wallof China,or win an Oscar for Best Director,or swim with dolphins(海豚)?If so,you are not alone.We all have things we want to do orachieve.These are part of our “bucket lists”.A bucket is a list of thingsthat someone wants to experience in his or her lifetime.These things can bebig or small.Have you ever thought about what is on your bucket list?

Lindsay,15,created her bucket list whenshe was 14.She has given her list serious thought.“I’ve always wanted totravel into space,” she says.“I don’t really want to be an astronaut.But I dowant to go to space as a tourist.I want to see the Earth from above.” Otherthings on her list include being on TV,seeing her favorite band in concert,learning how to speak Portuguese(葡萄牙語), and living in aforeign country.“I’ve always wanted to live in Brazil.As part of my bucketlist,I want to attend Carnival(狂歡節(jié)) in the capital of Brazil”she says.

Jose,16,recently created a list of thingshe wants to achieve.It changes sometimes — he adds andtakes away things because he wants to keep the number of things at seven.Onething has stayed at number one,though:he wants to visit a movie set(影視基地).He would like to see the Harry Potter or The Hobbit movie sets.Other things on the list include being on TV,meeting his favorite sport star,living in a foreign country,skateboarding down a mountain,attending the WorldCup,and backpacking across Europe.He would like to spend two months visitingEastern Europe with his best friend Adam.“Maybe after I graduate from college,“says Jose.

Carrie,14,also has a bucket list.Shefirst created it when she was 12.She would like to live in a foreign countryfor at least two years.She also wants to learn as many foreign languages aspossible.But the number one thing on her list is to see her favorite band inconcert.She also wants to go on a trip and to visit a movie set.Her favoritemovies are The Hunger Games and Star Wars.Carrie is confident she will do mostor all of the things on her bucket list.“I’m only 14,” she says,“I have mywhole life ahead of me!”

68 .What is No.1 at Lindsay’sbucket list?

A.visiting a movie set B.Living in Brazil

C.Travelling to space D.Seeing herfavorite band



69.Who is probably the most interested insports according to his or her bucket list?

A.Lindsay B.Jose C.Adam D.Carrie



70.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Lindsay and Carrie both love music

B.Jose and Carrie are both space fans

C.All the three teens want to visit movieset

D.Jose and Adam hope to live in a foreigncountry.



71.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.We should keep changing our bucket liststo meet our needs.

B.We must think about our bucket listsbefore they are created

C.Our bucket lists can help us worktowards achieving our goals.

D.Being confident is a key to our achievementon our bucket lists.




In many countries tattoo is in fashion.OnTV you can often see a famous actor or musician with tattoo on his arm or foot.Many sports players have them,too.In the US tattoos are very popular.Fortypercent of customers in US tattoo parlorsare women.These people are often professional people like doctors,teachersand lawyers.

However,tattoos are not modern.In fact,they are very old in human history.For example,archaeologists found a humanin ice from 5000 years ago.He had 57 tattoos on his back,ankles,legs,kneesand feet.Tattoos were used for many different reasons.In ancient Egypt,people got tattoos because they were “beautiful”.But in ancient Rome,tattooswere negative and put on criminals and prisoners.In India,tattoos werereligious(宗教).

In the 16th and 17thcentury,European sailors arrived on the islands of Polynesia.They saw tattoosfor the first time.The people on the islands had tattoos on their shoulders,chests,backs legs.Often the tattoos were of animals or natural features likea river or a mountain.The European sailors liked them and made their owntattoos,so the idea traveled to Europe.Tattoos in Polynesia are stillimportant today.They show information about a person’s history,their islandor their job.

So is there a connection betweentraditional tattoos and fashionable tattoos?And can you call tattoos afashion?Chris Rainer is an expert in tattoos and his book Ancient Marks hasphotos of tattoos from all over the world.He thinks people in modern societiesoften have tattoos because they are a connection to the traditional world.But tattoosaren’t a fashion like a haircut because you can’t put them on and take them offagain like a jacket or a hat.They are permanent and for life.

72.When were tattoos brought to Europe?

A.5000 years ago B.60 years ago

C.Until recently D.In the 16thand 17th century



73.What does the underlined word “parlors”mean?

A.Schools B.Stores C.Hospitals D.Theaters.



74.What’s the writer’s opinion abouttattoos?

A.Tattoos are religious in modernsocieties

B.Tattoos connect tradition with fashion

C.Tattoos are a fashion among famouspeople.

D.Tattoos show information about a person’shobby



75.What would be the best tile for thepassage?

A.Tattoos’ History B.Tattoos in Polynesia

C.Tattoos on a Human in Ice D.Tattoos inFashion and for Life




Human’ Greatest Achievements.

The earth is 4.5 billion years old,but thehuman race has lied on it for just 200,000 years.In that short time,we haveachieved some amazing things.

76 The list is almost endless.Theinvention of the airplane has changed our lives.The discovery of antibioticshas saved the lives of millions of people.Can you imagine living withoutelectricity?What about the printing press?Without great achievements incommunication,such as radio,TV,computers,the Internet,and smartphones.77

What about the arts?The arts have broughtpleasure to many people,but are the Beatles and Bach more important thanantibiotics?78

Finally,we must not forget humans’ earlyachievements.79 We can’t imagine modern life without cooked food and cars.

What are humans’ greatest achievements?Toanswer the question,we need to decide what we mean by “great”.80 Or is itjust something that makes us say “Wow” like the Great Wall?What do you think?

Do you think it is difficult to have great achievements?

Is it something that makes us rich or happy or saves lives?

We enjoy these things every day because they are free to use.

They used fire for cooking and heating and invented the wheel

Many of humans’ great achievements are in science and technology

And is Mickey Mouse as important an achievement as gonging to space?

We could probably live without them,but life wouldn’t be as interesting









R:Hello.What can I do for you?

J:Could you give us the room number ofMrs.Taylor, please?

R:Is she a guest hereat the hotel?

J:Yes,she’s our English teacher.

R:When did she arrive?

J:She arrived yesterday.

R:Here we are …Room 602.Would you like me to call the room?

J:Yes,please.That would be great.

R:Please wait a moment.She’s not in her room,I’m sorry.

J:Oh dear.I need to speak to her.

R:Why not look in the restaurant?It’stime for the breakfast.Have you everbeen there to find her?

J:I’ve been there already.She’s notthere.And she’s not in the gift shop,either.

R:CanI take a message for you?

J:Yes.Could you tell her to call me whenshe comes back?

R:Sure,no problem.



書包伴我學習,伴我成長,某英文報以“My Schoolbag”為題,舉辦中學生征文活動。請根據(jù)下列圖表信息,寫一篇短文。內(nèi)容包括:書包的外形特征、用途和書包背后的課業(yè)問題以及課余你期望做的事情。










My Schoolbag

I have a schoolbag.It is used for carryingthe school things,such as books,pens and so on.It looks like a luggage whichalways accompanies me in the world of knowledge.

My schoolbag is always by my side.However,it also brings us many problems.We have to do so much homework that we cannotget enough sleep.Instead of enjoying the wonderful weekends,we are forced tohave extra classes with it.If we have more spare time,we can take part insports and actives.Besides,we can develop hobbies and interest as well.

As a middle school student,I hope myschoolbag can share my joy and happiness rather than become a burden.


































對于中等水平的學生而言,存在的問題是能夠表達基本的意思,但詞匯的多樣性不夠,句型較單一,文章中的連詞缺乏,過渡不夠自然妥帖。這就要求可以嘗試運用同義詞、近義詞及詞組。此外應總結(jié)歸納中考必備句型,認真識記。比如,在描寫規(guī)章制度的寫作中,we should (not) do…是每個人都會運用的句式,若運用we are (not)allowed to do,we are supposed to do就可以讓自己的作文增色。如果再寫出一個倒裝句never should we do,自己的文章立刻便與千篇一律的作文拉開差距。但一定要注意不能為了運用特殊句式而生搬硬套,與文章整體結(jié)構(gòu)和表達內(nèi)容不符。

對于寫作優(yōu)秀的學生而言,詞匯和句式的運用通常較好,寫作提分的方向就在語言的潤色上及地道的表達上。學生應適當拓展課外知識,增強語感,比如根據(jù)興趣選擇閱讀書蟲系列叢書,此外21st Century、China Daily、English Study等報刊雜志便是不錯的選擇。在寫作中還要注意使用適當?shù)年P聯(lián)詞,可以使得文章結(jié)構(gòu)清晰,表達更加鮮明。








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