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2022-12-22   來(lái)源:萬(wàn)能知識(shí)網(wǎng)





廣西高考英語(yǔ)閱讀理解專項(xiàng)試題及答案 篇1


It is obvious that doctors recognize obesity(肥胖) as a health problem. So why is it so hard for them to talk to their patients about it?

The results of two surveys, one of primary care physicians and the other of patients, found that while most doctors want to help patients lose weight and think it is their responsibility to do so, they often don’t know what to say.

“So while doctors may tell patients they are overweight, the conversation often ends there,” said Christine C. Ferguson, director of the Stop Obesity Alliance. “Patients are not told about the possibility of diabetes (a kind of disease),” she said. “And doctors don’t feel they have good information to give. They felt that they didn’t have adequate tools to address this problem.

The lack of dialogue hurts patients, too. The patient survey, of over 1,000 adults, found that most overweight patients don’t even know that they’re too heavy. Only 39 percent of overweight people surveyed had ever been told by a health care provider that they were overweight.

Of those who were told they were obese, 90 percent were also told by their doctors to lose weight, the survey found. In fact most have tried to lose weight and may have been successful in the past—and many are still trying, the survey found. And many understand that losing even a small amount of weight can have a positive impact on their health and reduce their risk of obesityrelated diseases like hypertension and diabetes.

Dr. William Bestermann Jr., medical director of Holston Medical Group, in Kingsport, Tenn. , which ranks the 10th in obesity among metropolitan areas in the United States, said the dialogue had to be an ongoing one and could not be dropped after just one mention of the problem. “If you’re to be successful with helping your patients lose weight, you have to talk to them at actually every visit about their progress, and find something to encourage them and coach them,” he said.

He acknowledged that many doctors tend to be not optimistic.

“Part of this is that there"s this common belief, and doctors are burdened by it, too, that overweight people are weak-willed and just don’t have any willpower and are selfindulgent and all that business,” he said. “If you think that way, you’re not going to spend time having a productive conversation.”

1. What is the Stop Obesity Alliance most probably in Paragraph 3?

A. An organization of doctors specializing in obesity.

B. An organization of patients suffering from obesity.

C. A research group that conducts special surveys about overweight people.

D. A research group dealing with doctor-patient relationship.

2. How many of the patients surveyed have been advised by their doctors to lose weight?

A. About 350. B. About 390.

C. About 900. D. About 1,000.

3. What can be inferred about obesity patients in Paragraph 5?

A. They are not as hopeless as doctors think they are.

B. Most of them have tried hard to lose weight, but in vain.

C. Without their doctors’ constant coaching, there is little chance of their succeeding in losing weight.

D. Most of them have just given up their hope of becoming less heavy.

4. According to the passage, which factor contributes to the lack of dialogue between doctors and patients?

A. Most doctors just never think of warning their patients about their weight problem.

B. Many doctors find it difficult to persuade overweight people to lose weight.

C. Most patients are too weak-willed to do anything about their weight.

D. Many patients tend not to trust their doctors about their weight problem.

5. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. Obesity in the U. S.

B. Trouble of overweight Americans.

C. Talk more, help better.

D. Doctors or patients-who to bear more blame?


The cultural and natural values of Kakadu National Park were recognized internationally when the Park was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is an international register of properties that are recognized as having outstanding cultural or natural values of international significance. Kakadu is the largest national park in Australia and is the second largest national park in the world. Kakadu is a biological wonderland, which is almost 8,000 square miles. The wildlife in Kakadu National Park includes over 280 kinds of birds, 60 kinds of native mammals, 55 kinds of freshwater fish, thousands of insects, and many reptiles, the most famous of which is the salt-water crocodile. All life in the park depends on water.

Kakadu is not only home to the wildlife but the area is also famous for the longest continuous human culture that exists in the world. Aborigines have been living in this area for at least 40,000 years. The descendants(后裔) of these First Australians still live in Kakadu today. Kakadu contains one of the longest continuous records of rock art in the world, with around 5,000 paintings, with rock sites dating back 25,000 years. More than 1,000 sites have been recorded. Kakadu has been given double World Heritage status by the United Nations. It is one of only 17 of the 469 World heritage Areas listed for both natural and cultural values.

It is Australia’s largest national park, but it isn’t just the size that surprises visitors—it is the sense of something very old and grand. Creation of the 500 km escarpment (懸崖) began 2,000 million years ago. Today those gorges are filled with rainforests, washed by waterfalls.

Kakadu is one of the world’s special places. It is hard to pick the ideal time to visit Kakadu. In the wet season large areas of the park are closed to the public. It would not be possible to enter or exit from the park through the Kakadu Highway. Most of the people there agree that the best time to visit is at the end of the dry season. Some areas of Kakadu have restricted visiting times, and some are not open to the general public. Over 230 000 tourists visit Kakadu National Park every year. As you enter Kakadu National Park, you will be required to buy a permit. Part of this money is paid to the Traditional Owners of the land and the rest is given to the repairs of the park.

6. Why does the author mention so much wildlife in Paragraph 1?

A. To represent the scene of the nature.

B. To attract readers’ attention.

C. To take the wildlife for example.

D. To show the value of the park.

7. Kakadu is given double World Heritage status by the United Nations because of ___.

A. the descendants of these First Australians still in Kakadu today

B. the particular environment and the unusual rock art

C. the longest continuous human culture that exists in the world

D. Aborigines living in this area for at least 40,000 years

8. The followings are mentioned in the passage except _____.

A. living things in Kakadu

B. the escarpment and the gorges

C. the history of the park

D. the weather of the area

9. The underlined word gorges in Paragraph 3 means _____.

A. narrow valleys between hills or mountains

B. buildings where cases are determined

C. large and open structures for sports events

D. places where something is located

10. What does the author advise visitors to do when they go to Kakadu?

A. To get more information about the special place.

B. To make a better choice between the wet or dry season.

C. Not to enter the national park without permission.

D. Not to go there through the Kakadu Highway.



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