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2023-01-16   來源:萬能知識(shí)網(wǎng)



版畫 engraving


彩塑 painted sculpture

瓷器 porcelain; china

刺繡 embroidery

宮燈/花燈 palace/festival lantern

剪紙 papercutting

景德鎮(zhèn)瓷器 Jingdezhen porcelain

木/石/竹刻 wood/stone/bamboo carving

唐三彩 tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

中國(guó)水墨畫 Chinese ink and wash painting

陶器 pottery

微雕 miniature engraving

象牙雕刻 ivory carving

京劇臉譜facial make-up in Peking Opera

木刻版畫 wood engraving

木偶戲 puppet show

獨(dú)角戲 monodrama; one-man show

皮影戲 shadow play; leather-silhouette show

京劇 Peking Opera

秦腔 Shaanxi Opera

單口相聲 monologue comic talk

雙口相聲 witty dialogue

口技 vocal imitation

說書 monologue story-telling

雜技 acrobatic performance

疊羅漢 making a human pyramid

特技 stunt

啞劇 dumb show; mime

馬戲 circus performance

春節(jié) the Spring Festival

元宵 sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour

秧歌 yangko

年底大掃除 the year-end household cleaning

燈謎 lantern riddle

登高 hill climbing

拜年 paying a New Year call

鞭炮 firecracker

年畫 (traditional) New Year picture

舞龍 dragon dance

春聯(lián) Spring Festival couplets

元宵節(jié) the Lantern Festival

植樹節(jié) Tree-Planting Day

除夕 New Year"s Eve

端午節(jié) the Dragon Boat Festival

龍燈舞 dragon lantern dance

廟會(huì) temple fair

年夜飯 family reunion dinner on New Year"s Eve

清明節(jié) Tomb-Sweeping Day

掃墓 pay respects to a dead person at his tomb

賞月 admire the moon

壓歲錢 money given to children as a lunar New Year gift; gift money

辭舊迎新 ring out the old year and ring in the new year

中秋節(jié) Mid-Autumn Day

重陽(yáng)節(jié) the Double Ninth Festival

十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac

七夕節(jié) Double Seventh Day

粽子 traditional Chinese rice-pudding; zong zi

中餐烹飪 Chinese cuisine

粵菜Cantonese cuisine

淮揚(yáng)菜 Huaiyang cuisine

魯菜 Shandong cuisine

川菜 Sichuan cuisine

佛教 Buddhism

佛寺 Buddhist temple

道教 Taoism

道觀 Taoist temple

道士 Taoist priest

儒教 Confucianism

儒家文化 Confucian culture

墨家 Mohism

法家 Legalism

孔廟 Confucian Temple

孔子 Confucius

《春秋》 The Spring and Autumn Annals

《史記》 Historical Records

《詩(shī)經(jīng)》 The Book of Songs

《書經(jīng)》 The Book of History

《易經(jīng)》 The Book of Changes

《禮記》 The Book of Rites

四書 The Four Books

《大學(xué)》 The Great Learning

《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean

《論語》 The Analects of Confucius

《孟子》 The Mencius

《山海經(jīng)》 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

《本草綱目》 Compendium of Materia Medica

《資治通鑒》 History as a Mirror

《西廂記》 The Romance of West Chamber

《西行漫記》 Red Star Over China

《三國(guó)演義》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《水滸傳》 Water Margin

《聊齋志異》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio

《紅樓夢(mèng)》 A Dream of Red Mansions; The Story of the Stone

《西游記》 Pilgrimage to the West; A Journey to the West

武俠小說 martial arts novel

言情小說 romantic fiction

八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing

五言絕句 five-character quatrain

七言律詩(shī) seven-character octave

民間藝術(shù) folk art

高雅藝術(shù) refined art

戲劇藝術(shù) theatrical art

電影藝術(shù) film art

國(guó)主義精神 patriotism

文化產(chǎn)業(yè) cultural industry

文化事業(yè) cultural undertaking

文化交流 cultural exchange

文化沖突 cultural shock; cultural conflict

鄉(xiāng)村文化 rural culture

民族文化 national culture

表演藝術(shù) performing art

文化底蘊(yùn) cultural deposit

華夏祖先 the Chinese ancestor

同宗同源 be of the same origin

中國(guó)文學(xué) Chinese literature

中國(guó)武術(shù) Chinese martial arts; Kung Fu

中國(guó)書法 Chinese calligraphy

火藥 gunpowder

印刷術(shù) printing; art of printing

造紙術(shù) papermaking technology

指南針 compass

中國(guó)結(jié) Chinese knot

青銅器 bronze ware

武術(shù)門派 style/school of martial arts

習(xí)武健身 practice martial arts for fitness

古代格斗術(shù)ancient form of combat

武林高手 top martial artist

氣功 qigong

無與倫比的文學(xué)創(chuàng)作 unmatched literary creation

漢語的四聲調(diào) the four tones of Chinese

工藝 workmanship; craftsmanship

手工藝品 handicraft

泥人 clay figurine

蘇繡 Suzhou embroidery

寓言 fable

神話 mythology

傳說 legend

公歷 the Gregorian calendar

陰歷 the Lunar calendar

天干 Heavenly Stems

篆刻 seal cutting

閏年 leap year

二十四節(jié)氣 24 solar terms

傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日 traditional holiday

才子佳人 gifted scholar and beautiful lady

中華文明 Chinese civilization

中外學(xué)者 Chinese and overseas scholar

寺廟 temple

漢學(xué)家 sinologist

考古學(xué)家 archaeologist

人類學(xué)家 anthropologist

歷史學(xué)家 historian

地理學(xué)家 geographer

宿命論 determinism

守歲 stay up late on New Year"s Eve

桂花 sweet osmanthus

中藥 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

文明搖籃 cradle of civilization

明清兩代 the Ming and Qing Dynasties

江南South of the Yangtze River

水鄉(xiāng)景色 riverside scenery

上海大劇院 Shanghai Grand Theater

樣板戲 model opera

《霸王別姬》 Farewell to My Concubine

佛經(jīng) Buddhist scripture

都江堰 Dujiang Weir

《孫子兵法》 The Art of War

《三字經(jīng)》 Three-Character Scripture

旗袍 cheongsam; chi-pao

中山裝 Chinese tunic suit

唐裝 Traditional Chinese garment; Tang suit

風(fēng)水 geomancy

胡同 alley; hutong

《神農(nóng)本草經(jīng)》 Shen Nong"s Herbal Classic

針灸 acupuncture

推拿 medical massage

切脈 feel the pulse

舊石器時(shí)代 the Paleolithic Period

母系氏族社會(huì) matriarchal clan society

封建(制度)的 feudal

秦朝 the Qin Dynasty

漢朝 the Han Dynasty

唐朝 the Tang Dynasty

宋朝 the Song Dynasty

元朝 the Yuan Dynasty

明朝 the Ming Dynasty

清朝 the Qing Dynasty

秦始皇 the First Qin Emperor

皇太后 empress dowager

春秋時(shí)期 the Spring and Autumn Period



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