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2023-07-03   來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

漢語解釋:手表,或稱為腕表,是指戴在手腕上,用以計時/顯示時間的儀器。 手表通常是利用皮革、橡膠、尼龍布、不銹鋼等材料,制成表帶,將顯示時間的“表頭”束在手腕上。那么,你知道手表的英文單詞是什么嗎?

中文:手表[shǒu biǎo]

手表的英語:watch; wristwatch ; wrist watch;




Please borrow me you watch.



That is a tall order for a handbag or a watch.


So why are watches so attractive to china"s luxury buyers?


Investors can only hope that chinese consumers will want more watches and wine by then.


To the average joe, the luxury-watch business might seem completely upside down.

1. In prison they"d taken away his watch and everything he possessed. 在監(jiān)獄,他們把他的手表和其他一切東西都搜走了。

2. Outside, Bruce glanced at his watch: "Dear me, nearly oneo"clock." 出了門,布魯斯瞥了一眼自己的手表,“天哪,快一點了?!?/p>

3. "Fourteen minutes," Chris said, taking a peep at his watch. “14分鐘,”克里斯瞥了一眼他的手表說道.

4. By the 1930s the wristwatch had almost completely supplanted the pocket watch. 到了20世紀30年代,手表幾乎完全取代了懷表。

5. You can buy a nice knockoff watch from them. 你能從他們那兒買到質(zhì)量很好的仿制名牌手表。

6. He glanced at his wristwatch. "I suppose we"d better make a move." 他看一眼手表說:“我想我們最好動身吧。”

7. Readjust your watch. You are now on Moscow time. 重新調(diào)一下你的手表?,F(xiàn)在是莫斯科時間。

8. The watch parts fell apart and jumbled up. 手表的零件散開了,混成一堆。

9. As an experiment, we bought Ted a watch. 我們試著給特德買了一塊手表

10. I make it nearly 9.30. 我的手表顯示快9點半了。

11. This is the Cadillac of watches. 這款手表堪稱極品。

12. a delicate watch mechanism 精致的手表機件

13. She yawned and looked pointedly at her watch. 她打了個哈欠,又刻意地看了看手表。

14. She had put her watch in her pocket for safe keeping . 為安全起見,她把手表放進了衣袋。

15. My watch is shockproof and waterproof. 我的手表防震防水。

16. a watch, a diary and sundry other items 一塊手表、一本日記和其他一些零碎的東西

17. She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch. 她偷偷看了一眼手表

18. Brooks gave the business when Haas caught him with his watch. 哈斯抓到偷他的手表的布魯克斯時,狠狠地揍了他一頓.

19. We"re so late I daren"t look at my watch. 我們太遲了,我連手表都不敢看一眼.

20. To my great joy, my lost watch was found. 使我極為高興的是我丟失的手表找到了.





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